Ongoing exploration of divine geometry and humanity
A collection of Thoughts and subconscious artifacts
Our first recollection of the Platonic solids derives from the Neoliths in Scotland. While the archaeological evidence is primitive, it is clear that divine geometry played some part in the Neolithic Era. Leading onto the Pythagoreans, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, divine geometry has opened the possibility for the secrets of the universe. Their theories expanded on spirituality and perfection. Theories including the five shapes – the cube, tetrahedron, octahedron, icosahedron, and dodecahedron – existing in different times, all leading to a similar thought of deeper meaning, also known as, the secrets of the universe.
The five Platonic solids take their name from Plato, who openly theorized that these five basic shapes are the makeup and basic building blocks to all of life. The solids are made of the triangle, the rectangle, and the pentagon. When put together following repetition and equality – a perfect mathematical equation – the perfect five solids will exist. From the smallest molecular build to how the universe works, the five Platonic solids could answer anything and everything. Plato concluded that these solids represent the five elements of nature – earth (cube), air (octahedron), water (icosahedron), fire (tetrahedron), and ether (dodecahedron).
From here, these shapes were used in almost every religion, in architecture all over the world, and in beautiful combinations of nature, art, and mathematics. Humanity used geometry for religious and/or spiritual purposes, conducting ceremonies and rituals using these shapes as a connection to the secrets of the universe.
Because these shapes exist so perfectly, so seamlessly, humanity has looked to this geometry as divine, almost unreachable – something it can strive to be. Considering randomness and the imperfections of humanity, we can never “be” this idea of divine or sacred, even in geometric terms. That is not to say we don’t have these shapes within our makeup – the pentagon on our hands, our faces made of triangles, our torsos rectangular - nevertheless, we are neither “perfect” nor “divine”, divinity is simply something we can strive to be.
Can we actually learn the secrets of the universe, or is this simply another theory of hope, religion, spirit, that humanity looks for to better themselves? Perhaps we cannot because we, humans, are not perfect? But, if humans display these patterns/ are built on this Platonic Solid structure, we must be some part of the whole. At this moment, I believe there could be a reason these patterns come up so often in human nature and culture. Whether we will ever discover their true meaning, or if we are fooling ourselves with hope, I do not know. Perhaps it is unimportant to concern myself with the spirituality of others. I know my spirituality to be expressed through line, shape, and color. When combining sacred geometry and my personal emotion/thought- my subconscious- I started producing these artifacts. These artifacts are made of elements, if you will. Elements of particular moments and time expressed through the five platonic solids and my humanity, my own energy, and perhaps ether from the universe. Each element exists as a snapshot of my timeline, humanity’s timeline- our thoughts and processes.
At any given time, these elements can interact into one molecule, one artifact.
Are these platonic solids a physical representation of human nature? The energy of the universe? I continue to deliberate and question…